Donate for 'IntelliRing'

If you do not have a PayPal account you can buy the donate application 'IntelliRing Donate' from the Android Market.

The application itself is empty and solely used to pay the donation. After the install you can uninstall the 'IntelliRing' app.

Donate for IntelliRing(Android) - Worldwide (without European Community)

Thank you for using my software. Even though it is a small app it takes time to develop, test and deploy.

If you like the software, please donate a small amount to further support development.
The amount should be small, between 0,50 US$ and 1,50 US$ or the equivalent in your currency

Donate for IntelliRing(Android) - European Community without Germany

Thank you for using my software. Even though it is a small app it takes time to develop, test and deploy.
If you like the software, please donate a small amount to further support development.
The amount should be small, between 0,50 EUR and 1,50 EUR or the equivalent in your currency

Spenden für IntelliRing(Android) - Deutschland

Vielen Dank, dass sie meine Software benutzen. Obwohl die Software kleine ist, benötigt es doch Zeit um sie zu entwickeln, zu testen und zu verteilen.
Spenden sie einen kleinen Betrag, wenn Ihnen die Software gefällt.
Sie sollten einen kleinen Betrag zwischen 0,50 EUR and 1,50 EUR spenden.