WiFiWizard for Android

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Overview Android Apps

Task Killer
In short: There is no need for a task killer on android. I'm not going into details, but the developer docs explain the life cycle of an application or more technically speaking an activity. If you think you have to use one, exclude this app from it or you will definitely run into problems as the app sits in the background and waits for certain events to happen. Even if you kill it, the android os will restart it again. Also any questions about task killers and my app will be ignored. If you do not agree with this, please deinstall the app. For more information, some selected links:
Multitasking the Android Way
Why you don't need a task killer
Why You Shouldn’t Be Using a Task Killer
The truth about andoird task killers
Revisiting android task killers


Thank you for using my software. Even though it is a small app it takes time to develop, test and deploy.
If you like the software, please donate a small amount to further support development.
The amount should be small, between 0,50 US$ and 1,50 US$.
Ok, I'd like to donate (PayPal or Android Market)

WiFi Wizard Widget
WiFi Wizard comes with a little 1x1 home screen widget. Besides displaying information you can start the app by tapping on the widget.
The widget has an upper text area and a lower text area. The upper area displays the status of the 'Periodic WiFi' setting. The lower area displays the status of the 'Auto Switch WiFi (on/off)' and the 'Mobile Data' setting. If 'Mobile Data' is scheduled it will be displayed, because it is of more importance. Otherwise 'Auto Switch WiFi (on/off)' will be displayed.
If your home screen supports landscape mode: The time will be displayed without seconds if your time preference setting is to display the time in am/pm format. This is necessray because there is not enough space to fit date and time in one line in landscape mode.

Activate WiFi Wizard
Enable or disable the app.

Log events
Log events to the log database. This is to check that everything works as it should. Once you set up the app to your preference I would suggest turning off the logging to safe cpu cycles.
For easy access to the log you can enable 'Pin log to status bar'. This will put the WiFi Wizard Logo in the status bar and when you tap the entry the log screen will open.

Auto Switch WiFi Off
Enables automatic WiFi switch off when then display is switched off. You can enter a delay time in seconds before WiFi is switched off, 0 for no delay. If you switch the display off, WiFi Wirzard will wait that amount of time, before WiFi is switched off. This can be useful, if you switch of the display, but then notice you forgot something. Setting this to 60 seconds can be a good choice.

Auto Switch WiFi On
Enables automatic WiFi switch on when then display is switched on and unlocked. You can enter a delay time in seconds before WiFi is switched on, 0 for no delay. If you switch the display on and unlock it, WiFi Wirzard will wait that amount of time, before WiFi is switched on. This can be useful, if you just make a quick check without WiFi beeing switched on.

Enable Periodic WiFi
If enabled WiFi Wizard will wake up periodically, switch on WiFi and after the given minutes switch it off again. This is implemented via alarms so there is no worry about battery life. If periodic WiFi stops for whatever reason, you can re-activiate it by switching the option off and on.
If you have added a Google Account to your phone, then you can choose between 'Force Google Calendar Sync', 'Force Google Contacts Sync' and 'Force Google Sync (Everything)'. This will cause the Account to be synchronized as soon there is a connection to a WiFi access point.
The setting 'Minimum time between sync' is the time (in minutes) that must have elapsed before the next Google Account synchronization will occur. This is required, because the connection to the WiFi accesspoint can be re-established every minute, depending on the settings you choose and how often your turn the screen on or off.

Temporarily Activate Mobile Data
When you tap on the 'Start' button a mobile data connection will be established. It will last until you tap the 'Stop' button (The 'Start' button will change to 'Stop' when you tap it.) or if the time span that you entered in the text field has passed. You will see a count down timer while the mobile data connection is active. Even if you close the app, the timer will keep running and disable the data connection after the time span you entered has passed.
This function is useful if you do not have a data plan or only a limited data plan. It allows the phone to sync e-mails, contacts, calenders and what else there is to sync.
Remember to turn on Settings -> Accounts & Sync. -> Auto-sync. Since this will not ensure that the Google Account will be synchronized, the following options are available to force a synchronization: 'Force Google Calendar Sync', 'Force Google Contacts Sync' and 'Force Google Sync (Everything)'.

Optionsmenu - Log
Open the log. It will display every state change of Wifi and GSM/ UMTS and whether it was done by the WiFi Wizard app or by the user. The list enables you to track exactly what happens with your connections. The list will update in real time. A context menu will open, when you tap on an entry. You can then delete a single entry. You will be asked to confirm the deletion of the entry.
The capacity of the log is limited to 500 entries. If the capacity is exhausted, the oldest entry will be deleted.

List of the entries and the possible values:
  1. Timestamp - the time when the event occured
  2. Source - either WiFi Wizard or User
  3. Service - WiFi or GSM/UMTS
  4. Action
  5. Comment - further information like Access Point name, IP and more

Optionsmenu - Log - Delete All
Delete all entries in the log. You will be asked to confirm the deletion of all entries.

Optionsmenu - Log - Export All
The log information will be exported to directory 'de.soldo.autowifi/log/' on the sd card. If no sd card is inserted, the export will fail.
Two files will be exported: a .csv file and a .sqlite. The .sqlite file is an exact copy of the database the app uses.

Optionsmenu - Help
Opens the help screen you are reading right now.

Optionsmenu - About
Displays information about the author and the disclaimer.

Required Permissions